Talking Toothbrush
Getting kids to brush their teeth can be a lot easier when you offer them dental hygiene products they’ll love.
For those too lazy to teach their kids about dental hygiene, never fear! The Talking Toothbrush teaches kids healthy brushing habits via a two-minute audio recording!
Our unique product features an attractive dog character design and an amusing voice characteristic that kids will get a kick out of! But we have designed this product to be more than just cute. Rather than focus only on entertainment, the audio played back through our brush actually educates kids and encourages them on healthy brushing habits. When activating the voice recording, it is played for exactly two minutes, giving kids the recommended brush time without repeatedly looking at a timer or estimating when 2 minutes are up. The audio playback also guides kids to brush each section of their teeth, starting with their upper teeth, then switching to their lower teeth after the first minute, and finally ends the sequence by letting them know they have done a "Great job!".
Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste Bear Fruit Splash 1.5oz
- Safe to swallow
- Fluoride- free
Expiry Oct 2011
Org Price: $17.80 per set.
Offer Price at :
1set for $15 ,
2sets at $27.50 ,
5sets at $64 ,
FREE postage.
While stock last!!
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